And the winner is… lactose (or antibiotics)
There I am, in Pakistan. Before me, on the table is my ‘new’ breakfast and lunch. No Pakistani food for me. I’m kind of at a loss. My body needs a rest, because I am exhausted. I’ve been sick for two weeks straight. From lactose?

A glutening
Even though this blog is mainly about eating gluten free, I also have to follow a strict lactose free diet. A ‘glutenening’ as a call it sometimes jokingly, has a different effect on me than a something containing lactose. When I eat gluten, I will get a headache, get really nauseous, until I start puking my guts out for the next 4+ hours. And feel sick for two days. Clear symptoms, easy to interpret.
Lactose gives a more subtle reaction, a little sneaky. I might feel sick after eating, or I might not. Could be I’m sick the next day. I won’t puke, I’m just bloated, nauseated after eating and, you know, miserable. I become depressed and venomous (sorry Marnix).
So, in Pakistan there are options for me when it comes to eating. Not an awful lot, since everything consists of either bread, meat or yoghurt, but all right. I can always find something. It ain’t easy, for sure the double diet. Butter, yoghurt and cream are often added in food. Communication is hard. Maybe I should be clearer about the trouble with milk? Maybe people think it won’t matter much, even though I say I can’t have any? I know some people will tell me anything just to sell me something. Anyhow, it makes my life harder and more complicated right now.
During travel, I try to eat as local as possible. It makes for a better experience, I think. But the last two weeks have been lousy. And I’m less happy and sociable. To make things weirder, Marnix has decided he will momentarily stop eating lactose to relieve his unhappy stomach. He is sick even more than me, and recently puked violently after having a glass of milk.
Two weeks after a big fat antibiotic treatment Marnix is doing much better Though he keeps on having trouble with milk products. He is feeling better. I however, am not. Which means we go to a nearby store and buy gluten-free oats and nuts for me. For a whopping 875 rupie I am now the proud owner of a big bag of Quaker oats. Hello Western prices! Marnix received a huge jar of honey, because Pakistani hospitality and I do not hesitate to claim it. So there I go. Not really fun to write about, being sick. Adapt, become less sick and go on.

After a trip to a hospital, I get my own batch of antibiotics and rapidly start feeling better. Apparently, my body reacts to a food poisoning in the same way it does to lactose. This knowledge is annoying, since it means I have been sick for weeks for no reason. And it does tell me something about food hygiene. During our time in Lahore backpackers, other guests also felt sick. Grubby Lahore. Well, I blamed lactose to quickly, with no reason this time. Life goes on, and since I’m feeling much better, I’m ready for the next food adventure!