Travel with a gluten free diet is just not the same

You have to take into account what you want to eat and where. Could be you get sick. Likewise, you have to bother unfortunate souls with your diet card (and alas, the card does not always clarify anything or so it seems). And then of course the most important part: enjoy your trip! 

These blogs are about both of our experiences during travel. Read further below. 

  • En route by plane, train or bus: this is how I manage
    Depending on your way of travel, the gluten free diet can have a major impact on your day. Like when you can’t decide where to buy lunch. This mainly happens when you make longer journeys and do not have your own transport. Taking a flight can easily cost you half…
  • World trip with a gluten free diet
    When I was younger, I used to go holidaying with my parents. To the islands in the Netherlands, France or Turkey. This was difficult for my parents, because what should I eat? There was a fairly easy solution for this: two shopping bags containing stacks of non-perishable bread, a toaster and…
  • Marnix: a different experience
    Through the years I’ve been lucky enough to travel a lot. Sometimes for work, other times with friends. Usually with minimal planning, and often with unexpected results. The best thing about traveling is that completely unexpected for me. Iris and I talked about and traveling abroad for years. But the limitations…
  • Rainbows and unicorns: gluten free travelling
    On day six of our trip, we take a train from New Delhi to Amritsar. In the train, an Indian family takes us under their wing. They tell us when it is safe to fetch water from the platform (while the train is still going, mind you). Or how standing…
  • And the winner is… lactose (or antibiotics)
    There I am, in Pakistan. Before me, on the table is my ‘new’ breakfast and lunch. No Pakistani food for me. I’m kind of at a loss. My body needs a rest, because I am exhausted. I’ve been sick for two weeks straight. From lactose? A glutening Even though this…
  • Misery on the bus: gluten & vomit bags
    Waves of nausea hit me hard. Why does this have to happen while I’m on the bus? Why? I can’t close my eyes, because we’re driving way to fast on this winding, lousy road, full of potholes. I wobble in my seat when we hit a big on, jiggling my…